Advent is an invitation. For many, it is the invitation to get into that Christmas spirit, to count down the days to the grand celebration, and let the holiday transform everything around us.
But there is a deeper and more profound invitation being offered in the season of Advent. The invitation is to remember that we are heading for home. Or if we’re not, if we’ve forgotten that there is a home toward which to head, it is the invitation to long for the home we call the kin-dom of God. It is where family resides, where peace resides, where justice abides, and hope will rise. Advent reminds us that we shouldn’t be complacent about the way things are – not that we want to become angrily attuned to every perceived failing in those around us or the world at large; but that we want to be those who look forward to something greater, something more that is just on the horizon.
Advent is the call to come home. Yeah, we called it “Come Home for Christmas” not “Come Home for Advent.” But that was only to catch your ear and the ears of those with whom you worship week by week in this glorious season. We’re not all about Christmas, the holiday, about December 25 with all the jingle bells and tinsel. We are about Christmas, the Mass of Christ, the celebration of the Incarnate one who comes to remind us that we are not alone, and God is with us. We are about the longing for the coming kin-dom, where we will study war no more, where people will walk in the light, where joy will be found, and love will be the tie that binds us together. That’s the home for which we long. That’s the invitation this Advent season to you and the world: “Come home for Christmas.”
The invitation is for you to share too! Sunday, December 19 is a perfect day to invite someone to worship. We will have fellowship and food following the services. So Come Home, and invite another to come with you.
- Pastor Stephan
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.