God, I am open to new growth in you. Amen. - Those are the words we charged you with at the beginning of the year. For 2025 we’re focused on growth! And we were clear when we said we were unclear what exactly that will look like. Maybe it will be growing in a deeper relationship/ knowledge of God. Maybe it will be growing in our capacity to love our neighbor. But we said we would celebrate the growth we notice along the way, and I want to tell you about some growth that we’re seeing.
Over the last two months we have seen:
+ 16 new faces in worship on Sunday morning (A number of those visitors say they have been watching online and finally decided to visit in person)
+ A group of young adults are working to build a new Sunday School class for Sunday mornings
+ Aldersgate worship is growing in person and online
+ Stephen Ministry is launching soon and has over 20 people applying
+ We have 8 families who are joining our Pathways to Generosity by giving for the very first time
+ The Community Medical Closet is full and ready to support our neighbors in need.
Those are just a few of the tangible ways we can see growth happening. And I’ll speak for myself and Ray and say we have been encouraged by the depth of questions and concerns over Christian matters for the world, and the investment in being a missional community in new ways has been a huge area of growth as well!
Now before I send you off with a question like ‘where do you see growth?’ I want to acknowledge a few places where there might be a need for growth. Our Refugee Resettlement Team is no longer able to do the amazing work it’s been doing because of the changes to immigration from various levels of the government. Are we called to step up in a new way here? Our Afterschool still does not have a director, and Melissa is doing everything she can to keep it going (and she’s doing a great job, btw). Is there something new God is calling us to in this space of ministry?
These are all vital and important questions, and I hope you will take them into this next season, along with your own eye for seeing the growth in front of you. Oh, that next season? It’s Lent! A time for us to sacrificially walk alongside Jesus in service to the world and love for God. If that isn’t a good time for growth I don’t know what is.
-Stephan Margeson
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.