And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
-Romans 8:28
Is life something that happens to you, or are you actively engaged in giving direction to your life’s path? If I’m not careful a great part of my life can take on the shape of the next crisis or issue that pops up. Now don’t get me wrong, those types of issues need attention; however, they should not be what gives direction to my life. There should be a larger context in which my life is lived.
As each of us enters this New Year of 2022, we have a choice to make. Which story will give shape to your life; and, where do you find these over-arching narratives that can give context and shape to the trajectory and daily activity of your life? Well, some possible sources are the media, career, family, tragedy, COVID, or political/sociological ideology. However, I want to suggest to you that while these are all valid parts of life, and can be truly influential, perhaps they are not the best areas to look for the story that will narrate your life on a day-today basis.
There is a greater narrative into which all of the rest actually fits – God’s story. In the Bible we find that the God who created you is the one who wants to be the source of your story. Once you embrace God as the source of the story that will narrate all of the rest of your life, then everything else begins to take on a different shape. Priorities change. Direction changes. Fulfillment is found in that which transcends this world, instead of in that which ends with this world.
This year why not figure out where you fit into God’s story, and let that be what narrates the rest of your life’s activities. It will permeate all parts of your life – your work, your family, and your leisure time. And as you find a new God-centered direction, may you find peace and blessing as well.
Happy New Year,
- Pastor Ross
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.