For the next few weeks we’re delving into the topic of faith. Why do we have faith? Why should we have faith? What are the basics of our faith? Consider this a bit of a crash confirmation course (CCC for short). We think you’ll enjoy these questions and the discussions we will all have. But I wonder if you’re concerned about all of these why questions. They’ve not gotten any easier. In fact, they seem to be getting more and more personal. First why church, then why God, now why believe? Are we just questioning everything!?!
Well… in a word, yes. But we’re not questioning anything for the sake of questioning. This is discipleship work! And I know it is because the disciples themselves asked Jesus many questions. “Who is the greatest?” “When will this take place?” “How should we pray?” This list goes on and on, but I want to show you a greater truth.
You see, Jesus is our model for living in the world. Jesus modeled for us so many behaviors, and he did not stop here. When you look through the Gospels you might be surprised to see Jesus asked 307 questions (some say 305). So many of those questions were why questions, and many questions were given in response to questions someone else asked Jesus (Don’t you hate it when people do that?)!
What I hope you’re thinking now is… why would Jesus ask questions? (I know… more questions). Doesn’t he know it all, already? Well, probably so. Though statements always convey authority—I know something and I’m gifting it to you. Questions, on the other hand, are something two or more people can hold together. If you share a question with someone, the two of you can work on it together. And when you figure it out together, you can celebrate together! That’s some pretty slick relationship practice Jesus is modeling. Any more questions?
Pastor Stephan
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.