In the United Methodist Church, ordination is understood as one “set aside by the Church for the specialized ministry of Word, Sacrament, and Order.” A person who believes they are “called” by God to enter full-time Christian ministry embarks upon years of discernment, guidance, and accountability. Generally a person speaks with their pastor, and their local church must affirm that they too believe an individual is called to Christian ministry. Likewise, the District and Conference must also affirm an individual’s call to ordained ministry.
Ordinands must complete a four-year college degree and a Master of Divinity degree. After completing all educational requirements, a candidate for ordination who wishes to become an Elder must serve as a “provisional member” for at least two (2) years. Provisional membership is a “residency program” designed by the Annual Conference (generally the State in which one resides). The provisional member status is for the continued process of discernment for the individual and the denomination to affirm one’s calling to ministry. This discernment process includes writing and defending one’s theology, calling, and sermons before the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. Additionally, ordinands must successfully complete lengthy psychology exams. It takes a minimum of nine years from the time one embarks upon the process of ordination to completion.
It is a massive undertaking to be an ordained clergy in the United Methodist Church and when one completes this process it deservedly should be celebrated. Thus, it is with enthusiasm and excitement that we celebrate our own Stephan Margeson as he has successfully completed all ordination requirements, and has been approved for ordination as an Elder in the United Methodist Church!
Stephan’s Ordination service will take place this summer at the North Carolina Annual Conference in June. The date we at Front Street will celebrate Stephan’s ordination will be announced soon. In the meantime, please join me and congratulate Stephan for this huge lifetime achievement!
In Christ’s Grip,
Pastor Ray
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.