As I was rummaging through a drawer a few months ago, I ran across a New Year Blessing that was given to me by my grandmother, Mama Tip. Mama Tip died a number of years ago at the age of 101; but, isn’t it wonderful when we run across a little gift that we had forgotten about from someone special.
For years I had labored under the impression that my grandmother had written this poem. However, after a bit of detective work I found that her words were actually a poem written by Mary Louise Haskins, and it was recited by King George VI on Christmas 1939. I want to share its words with you.
Mama Tip’s Blessing for the New Year
(aka “The Gate of the Year”)
I said to the person who stood at the gate of the year
Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.
He replied: Go out into the darkness and put your hand
Into the Hand of God.
That shall be to you better than any light and any known way.
So, I went forth and I put my hand into the Hand of God
And trod safely into the night.
I offer those words to you as my blessing to you for this New Year of 2020. In the face of any uncertainty that may threaten to consume your heart, may you always know that the safest and wisest position to be in is with your hand firmly grasping that of the Hand of God.
With the love of the Savior,
Pastor Ross
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