This is not a rhetorical question. I am not coming up with a witty or catchy title to an article to get you to read to the end (but hey if it works). This is a serious inquiry and I would love your input. In fact, on this question I would love for you to actually respond to it in one way or another.
You can find me on Sunday morning and let me or Pastor Ray know what you think. Or tell any of our team how you would answer it. You can talk with people in your house and discuss your thoughts together. You can even surprise a neighbor or friend in conversation and say something like, “You know, I was thinking about this recently and I wanted you to know…” If you feel so inclined to post your response on social media and let the world know, that would be a fine way to answer this question!
And there’s no wrong way to answer this question, really. There’s just your way. Your answer may be filled with positivity and excitement and energy, or your answer may be grief stricken and loaded with questions all on its own. Regardless, this question begs an honest answer. So no matter how you answer it, answer it honestly.
This isn’t my question. I’m asking it, but I didn’t come up with it. I’m borrowing it from Barbara Brown Taylor to share with you. A question that is somehow exclusive to a person? Wow! Enough build up? Okay here it is… How is it with your soul?
-Pastor Stephan
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.