Daniel Hyers, in my estimation, was a saint. He was a plain man. Probably about 5'11, 175 lbs., and bald. When I knew him best, he was in his late 50's, I would guess. His occupation was a traditional barber of the “Mayberry” era. He was also a mild man, better yet a humble man. Indeed, Daniel Hyers was one of the most powerful Christian men I have ever known.
Daniel was my “Third & Fourth Grade Boys” Sunday school teacher. He would have contests for us. He put wooden airplanes on fishing line that stretched across the ceiling of our Sunday school room. Each boy had a plane assigned to him. For being in Sunday school you moved your plane along the line one mile (about a couple of inches). For memorizing your Bible verse, another mile. For bringing your Bible, another mile. Bring a friend, another mile. Then, as we crossed the finish line, a great reward was given to us. His class was captivating to a third grade boy. But more fascinating than his contests were his words.
Many of you I am sure have heard the expression, “Remember who you are!” That, I assume, always refers to your good name, not wanting to embarrass your family by your actions or words. “Remember who you are.” However, Daniel Hyers would tell the group of boys he taught, “Boys, always remember WHOSE you are!” Coming from someone like Daniel, I knew that this little saying was important for me and the others who heard the words.
He told us about Jesus. About what a difference Christ can make in our lives. I remember his passion for Christ he shared with us. Quiet, reverent, passion for Christ. As he prayed to dismiss the class each Sunday, I would peek and watch him. There, on his face, I would see tears streaming down his face as he remembered each one of us by name.
You see, we were not a pretty, nice, bunch of boys. One of us had been in an orphanage, but now lived with his grandmother. Another of us had a little sister who was deathly ill. Another two of us came to church with only our mothers. One of the boys didn't have a daddy, or at least one he knew. These are the lives I remember as I look back. A bunch of poor ragamuffin boys, that to the world had little, if any, hope of becoming anything.
Daniel Hyers' witness has forever shaped me. I remember WHOSE I am.
So...have you ever thought of changing a life forever? We are now looking for the Daniel Hyers of Front Street. Give a kid,
or an adult, part of your life, your passion and love of Christ. It just may alter the life they never dreamed possible.
-Pastor Ray
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For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.