Hello Front Street family,
I know many of you may be feeling that you lack the ability to do anything grace-filled in this time of social distancing and quarantine.
While it is true that we are keeping to ourselves and caring for one another by being apart, we are neither helpless, hopeless, or alone. We need each other, and we are in this together, because regardless of our circumstances we remain the bodily expression of Jesus Christ in Burlington and Alamance County.
One of the ways that you can help us and be the church in this time of need is by reaching out to members of our church, either those with whom you already share deep friendships, as well as those whom you don’t know as well. Particularly those who are shut in and cut off from family members because of their age or pre-existing health conditions, realities that make these sisters and brothers of ours vulnerable to COVID-19.
Consider opening your church directory, and finding a few individuals and families that are near to your own name, and give them a call. You may even think of writing a letter to them showing your appreciation for them, and sharing love in whatever ways are true to who you are.
You may also consider, like my family is doing, on sending “Thank You” cards to local hospitals and healthcare providers, as well as to your grocery store or restaurant of choice in order to encourage them and show your gratitude for the ways they are sacrificing to keep life as normal as possible for us, supplying us with basic needs to get through this strange season.
You can also volunteer to share a devotion on our Facebook page, either recorded or written. We would love to diversify the voices who are encouraging us and offering spiritual depth to this time apart.
If you’d like to help with any of this, please email any of our church staff, and we will be happy to provide more direction and information.
We are stronger together, and stronger still by our union in Jesus Christ. May God’s Spirit enliven you with generosity and peace in this strange season.
- Pastor Patrick
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.