This is indeed a question many in our post-Christian world ask. Many don’t see the need for church, they perceive they have all they desire. However, studies show that people have a deep desire to connect to others, want loving, caring, close relationships with others and to whom they can turn in difficult times. Yet, they find it difficult to find places where those type relationships can develop and grow. Church is where we worship, celebrating what God is doing among us, going out to share what God is doing, and growing in deep relationships with one another. David and Anna are a wonderful, young couple who give of their time and worship here at Front Street and find themselves in a tremendously difficult situation. How will we respond as a people of God?
Many of you may know the Merrill Family, David, Anna, and Caid. David grew up at Front Street with his parents Ellen and Keith. David attended youth group and went through confirmation at Front Street. David and Anna married at Front Street in 2014 and their family grew in 2017 with the birth of their son Kincaid (Caid) who was baptized at Front Street. Caid attends Front Street’s Afterschool program and is making lots of friends in the church.
In February of 2019, David became ill and sought testing at the Mayo Clinic and then Duke to seek answers. He was initially diagnosed with neurogenetic pots and ataxia. When his health continued to decline more tests were run, and Anna and David received the shattering news that David had a progressive form of early-onset Alzheimer’s. To say they were devastated is an understatement. David’s disease continued to progress, and he began to have seizures and hallucinations. In January of 2023, he was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. In their most recent doctor’s appointment, they learned that David has gone from stage 4 to stage 5 in six months. There are 6 stages of this dreadful disease.
Anna, a teacher at the hospital school at Duke Hospital, is David’s primary caregiver. During the day, she cares for students who have complex care and multiple handicaps. She is as passionate for her students as she is for her family. David cannot be at home alone because of the seizures and passing out. Anna is in a constant state of worry, but you can’t tell it by the beautiful smile that is always on her face. Her church family, friends, family, and faith are getting her through this tough time.
With everything that the Merrill's are dealing with, they continue to trust in God and greatly appreciate the help from their church family. There are several ways that you can show love to Anna and David. They covet your prayers first and foremost. If you want to do more, you can take them a meal or purchase something from their Amazon wish list. If you want to donate money to help cover their medical expenses or help pay for Caid to attend summer day camp/ afterschool at Front Street, contact Tammy Page or Melissa Miller.
You can find the Merrill’s most Sunday mornings sitting in the back of the sanctuary at the 11 o’clock worship service, and then in the Heritage Center enjoying the fellowship of their church family. Go say hi to them. You won’t regret it!
Grace and Peace,
Ms. Melissa
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.