It won’t be long before the season of Lent will be upon us. As always, we will begin with an Ash Wednesday Service (March 2 @ 7 p.m.); and, we will continue our observance through Holy Week. Lent is partly a time of self-reflection – a time to take stock and get a realistic picture of ourselves and our relationship with God. Where does our heart truly lie, with the world, with God, or somewhere in between?
The activities at our church this Lent are designed to help us consider how we might turn our hearts and our lives a little more toward God. As you already know, where we commit our time, our energy, and our resources can say a great deal about what is truly important to us. As it says in Matthew, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
The following are three activities that will be happening in March. Each represents an avenue through which we can offer ourselves to the Lord a little more fully.
Becoming a part of the church is a great way to not only make a commitment to God, but also to come alongside brothers and sisters to do the work of his kingdom. If you have joined the church in the last couple of years, or are considering joining the church, please watch for information forthcoming on a New Member Class series to be held during the Sunday School hours in March.
Sometimes, as in our relationships with other people, we begin to take our relationship with God for granted. Our desire for an intimate and meaningful relationship with the one who gave himself for us begins to wane. You are invited to make plans to attend Wonderful Wednesdays beginning the week after Ash Wednesday, and continuing through March. We will gather for a simple meal at 5:15 p.m., followed at 6:15 p.m. with a devotional activity for adults on the theme of Rediscovering Our First Love. There will also be kids' activities with Ms. Melissa. Watch for upcoming information.
The Lord blesses each of us with material things to manage for the good of his kingdom. Periodically, it is good for us to reflect on our faithfulness in how we are stewarding the Lord’s resources. The Endowment Team will be leading a campaign in March to enable our congregation to support three important areas of ministry through giving to the Endowment: Children & Youth Ministry, Missions, and Building & Maintenance. Leaving a lasting legacy can help the church continue to make an impact in our community and the world for the cause of Christ. Watch for information about gatherings, and about an information session on how to include the church in your will or estate plan.
While there are surely more ways to observe Lent, these are a great way to start. I hope you will consider participating in one or all of these activities.
- Pastor Ross
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.