Greetings Front Street Family! Here’s a surprise entry in this week’s "Happenings" email. I was talking with Ross this past Sunday morning about an idea/article/thought that has been percolating in my mind and heart and wanted to take a stab at presenting it to you, so bear with me.
Last Saturday night, Betsy and I had the pleasure of attending a prewedding dinner for a young, engaged couple. The groom and his family are members here at church. It was a really great event including good food and even better conversation. As we drove home Saturday night, she and I were talking about the relationships in that room and how great it was to see the impact of the Front Street church family.
I would conservatively estimate that 75% of the folks there either attend Front Street or attended Front Street. There was a past FSUMYF youth director in attendance, one I worked with, as well as 10 or so former MYF members, all of us laughing and having a big time. There was a Sunday School class extremely well represented and these folks are all long-term friends.
The question I kept coming back to was “Would these relationships have happened without Front Street?”
Sure, most of the folks there could have run in the same social circles, played golf, tennis or bridge together, maybe their kids spent time on soccer or baseball teams, or walked the same school halls, and I can tell you that my kids have done all of that, too but the oldest relationships come from Front Street. It was apparent there, too that without the connection that is Front Street, I wouldn’t have been at that party on Saturday night nor would my predecessor and who knows about others.
Our church is more than an hour service on Sunday. Sure, you can watch online with your spouse or even your family, but what else do you get out of it? Ross and Stephan have been killing it lately with their messages, and since services are not being streamed, well, I don’t mind saying, you are missing out. Come back to church, come back to our family. Bring your kids - I can tell you they need it. We all need it.
Our youth program is bursting at the seams – and it’s exciting to have so many visitors on Sunday evenings! On Sunday afternoon we had 41 kids and 6 adults pack 13,680 meals for Feed the Hunger. We have almost outgrown our high school room downstairs. Why? They want to spend time together. Jesus wants you to spend time in His house, with Him and your brothers and sisters. Why not start this week?
Chris Huneycutt
-Youth Director
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.