Front Street has been worshipping God and making disciples of Jesus Christ for a long, long time in Burlington. It would be interesting to know how many people have been able to attribute their Christian walk to this church over the past 130 years. It’s a tradition, and a work, that we want to continue for the sake of the Kingdom.
With that in mind, after prayer and conversation, we have transitioned our Associate Pastor’s job description to enable us to put more focus on discipleship. With the approval of the SPRC, Pastor Patrick Murphy has had his title changed from Pastor of Outreach to Pastor of Discipleship. As a result of this new focus, Pastor Patrick will help guide our discipleship ministries which will include small groups, adult Sunday School classes, Bible and topical studies, and hospitality. (View a copy of his job in the church office.) Of course, he will also continue to have primary responsibility for the Aldersgate worship service, and he will take part in the 11:00 traditional service as well. While he will not be involved in the details of planning some of the mission activities, he is tasked with ensuring that mission activity is available for Front Streeters to engage in. After all, hands-on service is vital to the life of a disciple.
Pastor Patrick is excited about this new focus, and so am I. We believe this shift will benefit the church immensely. It is our hope that his ability to give attention to the area of discipleship will enable Front Street to help everyone grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. I know you join me in praying for Patrick. Please feel free to direct questions to Patrick or to me. Thank you.
Pastor Ross
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.