On February 14 we will have joined together for the Ash Wednesday service as we intentionally enter into the holy season of Lent. Lent is a time to prepare for Easter. It is a necessary prelude. The death and resurrection of Christ are true whether or not I prepare. However, without my heart and life being ready, I may not experience the depth and power of Christ's death and resurrection.
Many people choose to give up something for Lent. The sacrifice gives opportunity to reflect upon the sacrifice of Christ. However, you may also choose to take on a practice. Below is a list of suggested practices that you may find helpful as you seek to cultivate a deeper relationship with, and appreciation for, Jesus Christ. I invite you to join me in taking up one or more of the following practices.
(Check the ones you desire or feel prompted to do; perhaps you can place the list in your Bible or on the refrigerator as a reminder.)
Inward and Personal Disciplines
___ Spend time in solitude focused on God each day.
___ Begin to keep a Prayer and/or Gratitude Journal.
___ Focus on thanksgiving, rather than on asking, in prayer.
___ Give yourself a gift of three hours to do something you always say you don't have time to do.
___ Make a list of people with whom you need to be reconciled. Pray for them and let Jesus guide you in your thinking and feeling toward them.
___ Go to all of the Holy Week services as an act of love and waiting with Jesus.
___ Take one hour to inventory your priorities and plan how you will reorder them.
___ Give up a grudge or a rehearsal of a past event.
___ Forgive someone who has hurt you.
Outward and Social Disciplines
___ Take on some loving task.
___ Write a letter of affirmation once a week to a person who has touched your life.
___ Listen and respond to Christ's call to a ministry of service.
___ Go to coffee or dinner with someone you want to know better.
___ Give blood and recall the cross.
___ Say "NO" to something that is a waste of money and time.
___ Pray to God to help you resist racial prejudice and to give you courage in opposing it.
___ Decide to become a member of the church.
___ Rebuke the spirit of criticism and your own tongue when it is out of control.
Prepare now for a meaningful Lent,
Pastor Ross
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.