Giving is part of the character of God, and when we give we live in a way that reflects our Creator.
Financial giving is a spiritual practice, as it reminds us that all we have originates with God and belongs to God. We are just the caretakers of God’s property; and, as we give out of what has been entrusted to us, we learn more how to live in a way that shows gratitude to God for all that we have. Living & Giving… they go hand in hand.
“Living & Giving” is our theme for this year’s stewardship campaign. It’s a great theme because it reminds us that stewardship isn’t only about our finances, it’s also about how we live as we share our time and talent. All of it works together to help strengthen the kingdom of God in our corner of the world. Imagine what the kingdom of God would look like if every Christian, in every place, chose to give sacrificially of their time, talent, and treasure for the cause of Christ. Every corner of Christendom would be strengthened.
As you think about how you can give of your time and talent sacrificially, maybe you begin very simply. Perhaps your starting point is Sunday worship where we come together to give our best to God. While you are in the Lord’s house, maybe you choose to be a part of the greeter ministry, welcoming anyone and everyone into the house of God. From there you can discover new ways to grow in your faith, and fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.
Front Street offers a rich variety of programs and life stage ministries. By engaging with our church family and the community, we learn about interesting opportunities, and the gifts we can share…and receive! Serving is not only beneficial for those who are served; but, when you serve you receive joy, happiness, and build up treasure in heaven.
I invite you to browse through the church’s website for opportunities that you may enjoy. It’s up to you to use the time and talent God has blessed you with.
As you think about how you can get involved in the life of the church through service, please also pray about how the Lord would lead you to give to the work of the church, financially.
In the first week of November, you should receive a pledge card in the mail. I invite you to place it in a position of prominence in your home where you can see it and be reminded to pray about it regularly. On November 24, we will celebrate Commitment Sunday. On that day we will have a time in each worship service to offer our pledges to God. After the 11:00 a.m. service we will enjoy a covered dish meal, and an Advent Workshop for all ages. I hope to see you there!
As Christian disciples, we are called to give of our time, our talent, and our treasure as a joyful response to God’s provision in our lives. Thank you for all the ways many of you already sacrificially support the work of Front Street. If you are yet to move toward sacrificial giving and service, now is a great time to start. You will never regret living and giving in a way that helps share the love of Christ with those inside our church and out in our community.
Grace and peace,
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.