Live Generously! I saw this “slogan” on a t-shirt recently. I wonder what the person believed his t-shirt meant? What does it mean to live generously? “Live” is an action verb; therefore, to live generously requires us to act. Scripture tells us faith without action is dead (James 2:17). Each of us probably has a different response to this question about living a generous life, but all of us who are “followers of the Way,” followers of Jesus the Christ, have the same role model … Jesus. Jesus lived a generous life, even though it was not one of material wealth. Jesus’ generous life was sourced by his father in heaven. Jesus was so generous that his generosity was even questioned by his disciples on occasion because of its overabundance.
In Mark 6:35-44, we read about Jesus feeding the five thousand. When Jesus told the disciples, “You give them something to eat,” they doubted that was possible without spending eight months’ wages on bread to feed the crowds. Then Jesus, taking the five loaves of bread and two fish that the disciples gathered from the people, “looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.” Jesus asked his father’s blessing on the bread and fish that were miraculously multiplied to feed all the people with basketfuls leftover. Jesus modeled his dependence on his father, before his disciples and before us as well, when he sought the blessing of his father by looking up to heaven and giving thanks. Jesus generously provided for the people by asking his father’s blessing and the power of his relationship with his father was demonstrated in the miraculous feeding of all the people.
With Jesus as our role model for living generously, how often do we stop to ask for his blessing so that we may bless others? As we attempt to move past or adapt to our post-pandemic world, live in a world of political and social unrest, and the entire world’s economy uncertain, we may be like Jesus’ original disciples, “Lord, there is not enough!” Be encouraged. Cry out to a generous God to receive his blessing, so that we may live generously sourced by his blessings.
Thank you for your generosity and for sharing your blessings.
-Pastor Ray
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.