But I trust in you, O LORD;
I say, “You are my God.”
Psalm 31:14
Situated between the crushing weight of Good Friday, and the miraculous joy of that weight being lifted on Easter Sunday, is the burden of Holy Saturday. Holy Saturday is a day we don’t think about very much. Maybe we don’t know what to do with it, so we just skip over it. It seems to be a time to just get through. So, what is it about the time that Jesus was in the tomb that challenges us?
Most of us are uncomfortable with the notion of death. When faced with it, we fumble for words, and we wrestle with our faith. Death is too heavy for us to lift by ourselves.
But here’s some good news. Our God is not only the Lord over life, he is Lord over death as well. As we think about Holy Saturday, it becomes obvious that not only is God not overwhelmed by death, he doesn’t feel motivated to have to deal with it immediately – to move too quickly. The Father can just let the Son be silent and still for a while. As one commentator put it, “All of human time – and especially this day – is held securely in the grip of its Maker. This is obvious on Holy Saturday, a day when absolutely nothing happens in a graveyard near Jerusalem.”
For us, as people, it’s no small thing for God to be in the grave. And in the face of that reality, we have a choice to make. Will we face the silence of Jesus’ tomb with despair or with hope?
Maybe Holy Saturday could be a metaphor for the parts of life that are difficult for us. There are times and circumstances when we feel that we are alone, and God is silent – nowhere to be found. Such a situation doesn’t have to be brought on by a death; it can be any difficult circumstance we find ourselves confronted with.
In those times we can either choose to rely on ourselves and despair, or we can confess that God is still God and approach the difficulty with hope. Our hope can be found in the assurance that in the right time – in the fullness of the appointed time – the grace of God will burst forth and make all things new. After all, that’s what Holy Saturday led to. Death did not triumph over the creative and redemptive power of God. Instead, at just the right time – in the fullness of the appointed time – the fullness of the love of God burst forth from the silence of the tomb.
If you are in the midst of a trying time right now, and you are hearing nothing but silence from the throne of heaven, I invite you to hang in there. Choose hope. And may the Holy Saturday of your circumstance give way to a new resurrected abundant life, in the perfection of God’s time.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Ross
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