Worship is something we do together. Over the past year, as a worshipping congregation we have had to create a make-do online worship experience. Luckily we already had the technological means to stream worship. We had been doing it for a while for the benefit of those in our congregation who were not physically able to attend worship at the church. And while this is a wonderful benefit for those who need it, it was never intended to be a replacement for in-person worship. I think if you were to ask someone who has physical limitations whether they would prefer to be present for worship in the Sanctuary, or in Aldersgate Hall, they would say yes.
Sure, you and I can find wonderful preachers on the television who can deliver us a great sermon. But that’s not supposed to be the extent of the worship experience, is it? I asked someone recently why they chose to make their church home at Front Street. They said that it was the people. They enjoy the people. And that’s what we have missed over the last year. We’ve missed the conversations and the laughter with others in the hallways. We’ve missed chatting with someone in the pew next to us before the service starts. We’ve missed the groups of people standing around in Aldergate Hall, catching up about the activities of the previous week. We’ve missed the deeper spiritual conversation with someone who needs to hear how God helped us with the same problem they’re encountering. I’d be willing to bet that you are missing those same things, because you also made Front Street your church home because of the people.
People gathered to share in each other’s lives, and to lift their collective hearts in worship to God, that’s what Sunday mornings are about. Yes, we’ve gotten very comfortable during COVID. We’ve gotten comfortable with getting up on Sunday morning, getting our coffee, and watching online worship in our sweatpants and t-shirt. The kids have the freedom to run around; or, maybe you enjoy being able to run into the kitchen for a snack during the sermon. And while some of you are undoubtedly still uncomfortable being physically present (and we understand that), others have just gotten out of the habit. If you are part of the latter group, I invite you to come back to church. Stop robbing yourself of the joy of the presence of other Christians, and stop robbing them of the joy of your presence. When we come together, God works through you and me to enrich each other’s life in a way that just doesn’t happen online.
“…You are a member of God’s very own family…and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian.” Ephesians 2:19
I invite you to think about how being present at church might enrich your life, and the life of your family. I hope to see you soon!
Pastor Ross
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.