He lay in bed one night thinking of how off-track his life had gotten. She sat at the stoplight one day and wondered why she didn’t feel as close to God as she used to feel. It happens that they are both lifelong Christians; but over time they have drifted from God. How did it happen? Well, they could blame it on the general busyness of life, growing family responsibilities, job duties…any number of things. Yet, the truth is they just weren’t intentional about their relationship with Christ. They never made a plan…any plan. It didn’t have to be a 50-point Program; it could have just been one thing to do differently.
If any of the above rings true with you then you understand how easy it can be to become a Christian without leading a life of Christian discipleship. The good news is: You can change. Begin by choosing one thing – for example, add a Bible Study, attend worship one more Sunday a month, join a Sunday School Class or small group, engage in a local mission activity (you can find all of these on Front Street’s website, Facebook page, the worship bulletin, or in the newsletters).
You don’t have to add them all, just add one thing and see how God uses it to deepen your spiritual life and lead you further on the path of discipleship. Challenge yourself! Later, add one more thing, and then another. Be intentional. Be reflective – remember to look back and see how the Spirit has been working in you in the last 6 months or so. Be grateful – offer thanks and praise to God for his faithfulness to you on the cross and on the journey.
Please notice that the activities mentioned above all take place in the context of the Christian community. Individual spiritual disciplines are great, but we always need to be intentional about the communal ones. Why? Listen to theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer and holy scripture.
“God has willed that we should seek and find God's living Word in the testimony of other Christians, in the mouths of human beings. Therefore, Christians need other Christians who speak God's Word to them. They need them again and again when they become uncertain and disheartened because living by their own resources, they cannot help themselves without cheating themselves out of the truth. They need other Christians as bearers and proclaimers of the divine word of salvation. They need them solely for the sake of Jesus Christ.” (Bonhoeffer)
“…You are a member of God’s very own family…and you belon in God’s household with every other Christian.” (Ephesians 2:19)
So…what “one thing” will you be intentional about adding to your spiritual journey this spring, summer, or fall?
Pastor Ross
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.