Hey friends and family of Front Street UMC. This was told in a recent announcement at both our services, but in case you missed that: our longtime worship leader of Aldersgate contemporary worship, Clay Stevenson, is finishing his time at the end of this month. Clay has been a wonderful worship and spiritual leader for Aldersgate these last 8 years. Above that, he's been a great friend to me, and many others. So, while we mourn the loss of partnership here at Front Street UMC, we lift up Clay and his family in prayers for the next steps of their journey with Christ.
Many of you may not know that Clay is the professor of music production and recording arts at Elon University. He is the primary source of connection that Front Street has had with Elon, leading several students of Elon to participate in the worship of Aldersgate through singing, producing, and management! Clay was instrumental in much of the audio upgrades that our church went through a few years ago, and to which we still are proud recipients. He is also a creative partner that brought many exciting ideas and changes to make worship at Aldersgate a service that many have deeply enjoyed and been moved towards a deeper connection with God. All the while Clay has been a source of spiritual uplift to many people as he cared for the worship leaders through many life stages and transitions. In many ways my goal was to be a supporter to the ministry he was already doing when I showed up, and I am incredibly thankful for that opportunity.
I hope you're beginning to see even in a small sense all that Clay has brought to Front Street UMC. Most of all, I hope this inspires you to pray for Clay and Angie (his wife), and Macy and Rayne (his daughter and son). Pray that this change will continue to strengthen them as a family and that each grows in their relationship with God! I'm sure that God is at work in their lives, as I know that God is at work in ours through this change.
We will have a reception for Clay and family following the Aldersgate Service on January 29. Please plan to join us to wish Clay well and to express appreciation for all he has meant to us. There will be an opportunity to sign a card for Clay at the reception.
In addition, we will collect a love offering for Clay, Angie, Macy, and Rayne. If you would like to contribute, please write a check made out to Front Street UMC with Clay Stevenson in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to Tammy Page at Front Street UMC, PO Box 2597, Burlington, NC 27216-2597 this week or brought to church next Sunday. The love offering will be presented to Clay at the reception.
-Pastor Stephan
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.