Thanks to your incredible generosity, our refugee ministry now has enough materials to support refugee families for the foreseeable future! Until further notice, we are no longer collecting physical donations. However, cash donations are always appreciated to help continue our work. Thank you for being part of our team and for helping make a difference!
The NCASC's Refugee Resettlement Program is in need of essential items to help refugee families coming to Greensboro/Burlington. A refugee is a person who is forced to flee their home and country for fear of persecution due to race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, political opinion or social group. African Services Coalition has been resettling refugees since 2007. Learn about refugee resettlement facts here.
Donate items—see list below.
Organize storage items in Room 402. Contact the Refugee Resettlement Team to learn more.
Help set up the apartment. Contact the Refugee Resettlement Team
Donate money to the program which will be used to purchase supplies needed to furnish the apartment. To make a donation, contact Tammy Page in the church office.
Below is a list of items we're collecting to furnish an apartment. Please donate only new or gently used items. Deposit items (except large furniture) in the Donation Center in the Reading Area or in Room 402. All large furniture donations should be made to First Presbyterian Furniture Ministry*. Questions? Contact our Refugee Resettlement Team here.
Kitchen Items
Stock Pots & Frying Pans (especially large)
Sink drain catcher
Ladles, serving spoons
Dish drying racks
Tea kettles
Mixing bowls
Cutting boards
Can openers (hand crank)
Wooden spoons
Vegetable peelers
Dish towels and rags
Gladware containers
Cleaning Supplies
Vacuums/carpet sweepers Brooms
Dust pan/ whisk brooms
Toilet brushes
Dish soap
Paper towels
All-purpose cleaner
Laundry Baskets
Cleaning Buckets
Household Items
Table cloths
Ironing board & irons
Sewing kits
Plastic shower curtains & rings
Bath mats
Bedspreads (twin, full or queen)
Blankets (twin, full or queen)
Sheets (twin, full or queen)
Alarm clocks (electric)
Personal Items
Shave cream
Razors - men
Deodorant (men & women) Feminine Hygiene (pads only) Toilet paper
Bar Soap
Hand soap
Band aids
Trash bags
Large kitchen waste baskets
Small waste baskets
White kitchen trash bags
Backpacks/School Supplies
Light Bulbs
Picture hooks
Hammers, screwdrivers & nails
Furniture Items
End tables
Coffee tables
Small chests of drawers*
Kitchen tables/chairs*
*Please contact First Presbyterian Church Furniture Ministry at (336) 212-2937 or to arrange for pick-up or to deliver large furniture donations. If you have questions about where the furniture should be donated, please contact the
Refugee Resettlement Team.
We are in need of garage/heavy duty shelving in Room 402 to store donations. If you would like to donate money or shelving, please contact the Refugee Resettlement Team.
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.