Our Traditional Worship Service meets every Sunday at 11 am in our beautiful sanctuary. We gather to praise God through wonderful hymns, thoughtful prayers, necessary confessions, and gospel messages inspired by the Holy Spirit. On the first Sunday of the month we join our whole church family around the Lord’s Table to receive Communion. This time of worship is traditional in practice, but lively in spirit.
Aldersgate Worship Service meets every Sunday at 9:00am in our multi-use Aldersgate Hall. Each morning we worship a four fold order (a way the earliest church worshipped). We (1) Gather with God and each other; we hear the (2) Word through scripture and proclamation; we come to the (3) Table to respond to God’s Word through communion and other practices; and we depart to where ever God will (4) Send us to share our joy. Aldersgate is an expressive and participatory worship service.
Text ALDERSGATE to 833-337-8660 for digital bulletin
Here at Front Street we believe in the sacredness of the alter space in worship. However, we recognize that Jesus did his most holy work around simple tables (dining room, kitchen, water front, you name it). At The Table is a conversation that often goes along with Sunday’s scripture lesson. Our pastors join in conversation, many times with other wonderful people in our community, and attempt to connect church language to other common elements of life. What ways has Jesus shown up at your table?
The United Methodist Church calls this “A Service of Death and Resurrection.” The loss of a loved one brings grief in every form. The church hopes to be a source of comfort and peace in the midst of your grief. At the same time, this service attests to the power of Christ above and beyond death. As Christ entered into death and resurrected, the promise of new, resurrected life is for us too. This service is meant to celebrate that promise.
The Bereavement Team serves our congregation by assisting with a reception or meal preceding or immediately following the funeral for families at the passing of church members. If you would like more information or feel called to help serve in this capacity, please contact Marie Crissman at marie.crissman@gmail.com.
Holy Marriage is a ceremony of Worship and praise to God. We were created by God to be in a relationship with other people. Marriage is a celebrated relationship in the church.
Contact us to learn more.
Help beautify our worship space by placing flowers on the altar in the sanctuary. They may be given in honor or memory of a loved one.
To reserve a date, sign up on the flower calendar located in the Welcome Center.
In case of inclement weather, the church office will follow the delays and closures of the City of Burlington.
For worship services, any cancellations will be publicized on Facebook, our website, and FOX8.